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Aspec PDA survey

This survey aimed assessed aspec attitudes towards public displays of affection. It was conducted by the tumblr blog nblmgalaxy. In their own words: 'In the survey, I essentially asked people who identify anywhere on the aro-spectrum/ace-spectrum to share how they feel about PDA in LGBT+ spaces because I’ve often seen non-aspec people say that aspec folks are very against PDA in LGBT+ spaces and actively try to prevent it. I’ve never personally experienced this or met anybody who has, so I made this survey to ask aspec people how they actually feel.'


Here are their results, again in the blog's own words:

Out of the 84 people who responded, nobody was against PDA in LGBT+ spaces! The majority of respondents (67.9%) say they support it. 31% of respondents said they support PDA even though it makes them uncomfortable. One respondent added their own answer, “I don’t care, you do you, have fun.”

Here are some of the individual responses:

Respondent 4, who identifies as arospec and asexual: “I’m uncomfortable with all kinds of PDA due to trauma, but I wouldn’t stop people from kissing/holding hands in an lgbt+ space. If it went on for more than a moment or two and I was having a really PDA-repulsed day, I’d go to the bathroom or get some water or something. If I knew I wasn’t doing so well trigger-wise that morning, I’d probably have stayed home ”

Respondent 7, who identifies as aromantic and asexual: “I support common acts of affection like kissing/hand holding/etc., but acts that border on sexual like intense making out/ass grabbing/etc. make me uncomfortable.”

Respondant 74, who identifies as aromantic and asexual: “I am romance/sex-repulsed personally, but obviously I would not try to make people stop, especially in a LGBTQ+ space designed to allow for PDA.”

Respondent 84, who identifies as aromantic: “romantic pda can sometimes make me feel uncomfy, but it’s usually more straight pda than gay pda, and i think gay people 100% should have a safe place for pda.“

So, there you have it, friends! 84 people is a relatively small sample size but I think the trend is clear: generally, aspec people are not against PDA in LGBT+ spaces.

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